October 17, 2010

BLIND drawing workshop 2010

I have a suggestion to make ... one of these that will
blow your mind away ...and more important, 
will make your professional life easier and happier too! 

Get a dog ... 

This week at collage has started with a workshop about 
drawing .... Blind drawing! 

What is it ? 
It's a five years plan which consists on drawing without looking at the paper.You must draw your
subject(s) without moving your eyes away from it (them).It will be even better if you do it 
without lifting he pencil away from the paper until you've finished your drawing.

Why blind drawing ?
This classic exercise is very  useful  to  improve 
the  hands/eyes  coordination/communication.
As we know, humans eyes are highly influenced
 by the  brain  which  tend  to  fill  in  the shapes 
that we see with our eyes. As a result we don't 
really  always  pick  the  totality  of  the
(objects/ shapes)  that  surrounds  us.



This  human tendency is a main concern 

when we talk about hands>/eyes communication.
The exercise helps you to improve your ability to
describe subjects, as you have to investigate the
shapes in each of its parts and you also have to
make sure that hands and eyes
are in the same point in space! Hands will usually
 try to accelerate the process of drawing,
following the  virtual  reproduction  offered by the
brain   and  you will  find  that  when  your  eyes
are  still  investigating  the shapes your hand will
be already finishing the outlines.
As you can understand if you educate your eyes 
 and hands to be aware of shapes and details, you 

 will probably acquire the  ability to better analyse
 and  so  reproduce  your  reality.

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